Home School
- Taiwan
- Family
- Society
- Human Interest

In life, you only have one chance to get it right. The education styles parents choose for their children will have a lasting impact on their lives. Letting children receive their education at home is not only a challenge, but an experiment that cannot be failed. Home School portrays four families with diverse backgrounds but sharing a common choice for home education, in the aim to piece together an overview of homeschooling in Taiwan.
Director Statement
The nurturing of a child begins at conception. As they grow, attending school for the first time is naturally a milestone in their life, but will the relationship between education and upbringing change after entering school?
Everyone knows Taiwan education has many critical problems. The series of reformations attest to the desire of finding the correct path, yet differing opinions and criticisms continue to disrupt the process. Most parents bear with the current system in silence while thinking of a way to put their child through to the best schools or find cram schools and tutors to supplement their education. Very few follow the path of our film’s subjects and choose a method outside the educational system – homeschooling.
After years of filming documentaries, I understand the most basic skill a director needs is to be able to immerse yourself in your subject’s situation, yet still be able to step back and analyze the entire picture. But while filming Home School , I had an immensely difficult time trying to maintain an objective view.
In 1986 when I was 24, I insisted to the clerk at the American Institute in Taiwan that my reason for going to the US to study photography was to return to Taiwan and become a teacher. The clerk, however, was not convinced and denied my visa. Afterwards, with the aid of many friends and much legwork, I succeeded and returned. Now, as an experienced teacher and father, I must face my own children’s education: How can I pass on my knowledge and life experience to the next generation?
I can completely understand the difficulties these families face, choosing a road almost no one has walked before, devoting all their time, resources, and effort to their children. They forego their own careers for their children’s education and grow with them at home. Their only grievance with schools is that they are convinced no one would devote so selflessly to their children as themselves.
Home schools are not the result of money or family situations, but of this selfless and relentless attitude. I, myself, am no match; I can only remain behind the camera and admire the parents in this film.
All of us today are the product of our parents’ nurturance. As mothers and fathers in the current Taiwan, is everything we have to give our children enough to face the world of tomorrow?
Home schools will teach us all a valuable lesson.
Festivals & Awards
2013 CNEX Documentary Film Festival
2013 CNEX Documentary Film Festival
- Director
- Executive Producer
- Executive Producer
- Executive Producer
- Executive Production
- Production