Under the Same Roof
- Taiwan
- Family

Someone once said marriage is like a castle in siege.
From within, Always wanting to escape, Searching for the freedom to breathe. Fearless from the outside, always wanting to break in. The only difference is some want in and others want out But what they are all searching for, is just happiness.
However, marriage is but the beginning of all relationships. Relationship between husband and wife, between parent and child, and between the in-laws…… The origin of all relationships is the family. Life is about the compilation and accumulation of bits and pieces. The resulting energy can be thin as air, or heavy as lead.
Under the same roof…… goes on. Day after day and year after year, life is but just that. At the same time that life goes on, Have we ever stopped to think and reflect on our most beloved family? Is it endearing or is it estranging? Or is it a relationship impossible to understand and speak about? "Under The Same Roof" is the family story of a young couple.
Source: Taiwan Int'l Documentary Festival
Festivals & Awards
2000 - Excellence Video Award
2000 Women Make Waves Film Festival
2000 Taiwna International Documentary Festival - Taiwan Focus: Landscape of Life
2000 Golden Harvest Awards
2000 Women Make Waves Film Festival
2000 Taiwna International Documentary Festival