Finish year


Director :
Year :
Color :
Running Time :
4 min
  • Experimental
  • Investigative
  • Author's Point of View


This is a camera-less film. Letters "O" are printed onto raw film, and their shapes make sounds as they pass the projectors’ optical sound heads. Letters "O" are initially printed on transparency papers, which are later brought into a dark room. Strips of unexposed film are laid under the transparency and exposed to light, thus optically printed the letters O onto the film. "O" is an original idea which later evolved to Vowels (2005) where "O" is accompanied by another letter "E". With both films performed together live, they create a playful interaction by the manipulations from the mechanics of the film projectors (e.g. focus, screen size change). Vowels is also later expanded to a larger piece called "Vowels and Consonants" (2005), which involves a live performance of six 16mm film projectors.

Source: Taiwan Women's Film Association

Festivals & Awards

2006 Women Make Waves Film Festival
2006 Women Make Waves Film Festival


  • Director
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