Finish year


Director :
Director :
Director :
Year :


  • Taiwan
Color :
Running Time :
3 min
  • Experimental
  • Investigative
  • Author's Point of View


A animal dealer who wears a black suit brings a secret box to noisy, bustling and crowded streets. He stops on the street and places his box properly. After he opens the box, there is a small but fancy mini-stage inside, and rabbits are there.

When black-suit man gives an order, rabbits start to perform to the best they can. The more bloody and violent, the more clapping and cheering the audience gives. The rabbits are exhausted their energy and life, and put up with tortures and bullying, until they are completely shattered and have no use. What will become of them?

What will happen at the end of the performance when rabbits resort to their instinct to protect themselves?

What is the relationship among the box, black-suit man and rabbits?

Source: Taiwan Women's Film Association

Festivals & Awards

2006 Women Make Waves Film Festival
2006 Women Make Waves Film Festival


  • Director
  • Director
  • Director
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