Wen-Yue Lin
- Taiwan

This documentary traces the milestones in LIN Wen-yue’s life via her autobiographical prose. The turmoil of wars in modern China and migration to Taiwan defined LIN’s childhood. The teachings of literati and professor TAI Jing-nong and literature scholar ZHENG Qian significantly influenced her writing style. Also punctuating the film is her destined love and marriage with her husband, and the hard-earned achievement of translating the Japanese classic The Tale of Genji, for which she committed five and a half years of continual endeavor and perseverance. LIN Wen-yue is acclaimed for her large and diverse repertoire of works, which include translation of literature, academic publications as well as prose writing. Her canny depictions of personalities and unique events unravel much of her deep nostalgia for the past and personal memories, establishing a literary style that is as rhetorically eloquent as it is enjoyable to read.