The Journey of Becoming Truku
- Indigenous Peoples
- Ecology
- Sustainability
- Truku
- Hunting
- Culture

Culture is not only descent but self-identity. The Indigenous hunters of Molisaka community still obey the hunting rules from their ancestors even the outsiders argue about the hunting issues of the Indigenous.
For the Indigenous people, hunting is not sport and business. It contains their philosophy of life, nature and cultural inheritance. From this documentary: The Journey of Becoming Truku, the director would like to express another perspective of hunting that we never thought about. It is not just for human survival or taking away lives from animals, but a kind of life-style.
Director Statement
Hunting still exists in many indigenous communities of Taiwan. But in many countries, "hunting" is illegal, including Taiwan. Most people are not very familiar with the hunting issue and also not so common to talk about. The director tries to find out that If we try to understand the meaning of hunting with the indigenous people's perspective, will it become a normal, even a sacred thing in daily life?
Festivals & Awards
2021 New Taipei City Documentary Film Award
2021 National Academy for Educational Research I-Fun-Filmfestival
2022 Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films
2022 Annual Screwdriver International Student Short Film Festival
2022 CineCina Film Festival - Project Horizon
2022 Youth Film Festival
2023 Tokyo Lift-off Film Festival
- Director