Behind the singing
- Education
- Music
- Indigenous people

This is a story behind the beautiful singing at the bottom of Mount Jade, the highest mountain in Taiwan.
First heard in a TV commercial, kipahpah ima, a Vox Nativa song, is featured in Beyond Beauty - Taiwan from Above, the winner of Best Documentary at the 50th Golden Horse Awards.
Nevertheless, they emphasize that “Vox Nativa” is more than a choir.
After having attended Vox Nativa and left their tribal villages, will these children return with the skills they have acquired?
Director Statement
Director Chen believes that telling their stories through the interviews with the Vox Nativa founders and the former students, the location sound and the events is the most truthful way to document Vox Nativa.
Festivals & Awards
2023 OtherMovie Filmfestival
2023 Taiwan Menschenrechte Filmtag Basal
2023 Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival - TWFF