Finish year

Swirling in the Dreams

Director :
Year :


  • Taiwan
Color :
Running Time :
82 min
  • Indigenous people
  • Humanities
  • Religion


Fewer number of indigenous people in Taiwan still believe in Shamanism. Shamans bore responsibility for communicating with the spirit world, and relied on rituals to help others to avoid misfortune. However, both the suffering patient who wishes to have a ritual performed and the shaman performing the ritual have their own troubles. Can these wounded spirits find healing in beliefs?

Director Statement

I went through a very low period in my life before making this film. At that time, I hurt others due to some of my own personal failings, and the sense of guilt that I felt caused me great unease and a dread of facing people. I also had the shaman in the film hold a ritual for me, but did not find an answer to my problem. I began my filming work instead, and my inner struggle gradually eased on the days when I talked to my subject. This sharing of each other's life experiences has been a source of redemption for me.


  • Director
  • Film Producer
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