Finish year

UTOPIA: Appearance

Director :
Year :


  • Taiwan
Color :
Running Time :
24 min
  • Gender
  • Investigative
  • Author's Point of View


Do you want a perfect face? Do you desire a perfect body? Double-eyelids, pointed chin, long legs and full breasts-- are you attracted to any of these terms?

In this film, a number of fashionable youngsters are interviewed in a humorous way, expressing their opinions on current plastic surgery; besides, they even demonstrate all kinds of procedures. Through those variety-show-like images, how the public defines “beauty” and how they feel about plastic surgery are critically examined step by step.

The director had initially attempted to discuss the necessity of reconstruction by plastic surgery; however, in the later shooting process, this film came to see plastic surgery from a social perspective. As a matter of fact, people’s struggle for better appearance is only a way to gain more public recognition and to grasp the opportunity to be glamorous in the society regardless of the severe physical pain and others’ misunderstanding.

Source: Taiwan Women's Film Association

Festivals & Awards

2005 Women Make Waves Film Festival
2005 Women Make Waves Film Festival


  • Director
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