The check fun store, an innovative business model, in which there're hundreds of small checks to display and sell a wide range of creative products provided by people who rent these checks. Thanks to its risk diversification nature, the check fun store business model proliferated in Taiwan when the financial crisis hit in 2008. This documentary film records the start-up stories of three check owners in a cheerful way. Through the camera, we see how these witty check fun store owners and the check leaseholders interacted, trying to pursue opportunities to redirect their lives.
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Director Statement
For unknown reasons, I was drawn to the “Check Fun stores” idea the first time I heard of it. It is probably because they are so full of Taiwanese characteristics, which makes them very different from their counterparts in Japan, Hong Kong and China. Though not being as delicate, they are abundant in vitality. Maybe, it is also for the same reason that while the Check Fun stores in other countries vanished quickly with the recovery of economy, the Check Fun stores in Taiwan are striving to survive after so many years that one can still spot some of them on the busy streets nowadays. I don’t know how long they can still stick around; however, with all my heart, I do hope these lovely, hardworking, clever Check Fun store owners and the check leaseholders will continue to pursue the turning-point opportunities in their lives.
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