Finish year

Friendly Together

Director :
Year :


  • Taiwan
Color :
Running Time :
104 min
  • Society
  • Human Interest


After the Sep-21 Earthquake in Taiwan, there was an activity called the "032003 Tannan Construction Solidarity" with thearchitect, Hsieh Yin-Tsun, offering his assistance on site, in co-operation with the Heirm Statt Tschernobyle. V. andHAND Institut e.V. from Germany, it get together over a hundred voluntary worker from all aspects from Taiwan andJapan. Technically, it provided possibilities in the preservationof energy and healthy living. Ideologically, it shared the idealof "Helping yourselves and the others will help". With it, ahouses built with mud on wooden frame was erected in amonth's time. Everybody involved will find his/her own potentials in this solidarity construction project with traditional skill and methods, no matter being a child, youngster, elderly, men, women, professional or non-professional. This is a construction which stressed on social participation, this is also a way to re-construct self-confidence and to achieve accomplishment.

Documenting how a friendly home was being erected withmud and wood bits by peoples from all corner of earth,this film may not be obviously or critically orientedwith the rhetoric of social movement. Rather, it is telling a story which social movement has always be musing on:the possibility of an alternative living.

Source: Hong Kong Social Movement Film Festival

Festivals & Awards

2005 Hong Kong Social Movement Film Festival
2005 Hong Kong Social Movement Film Festival


  • Director
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