Voice of the People
- Society
- Human Interest

This is a TV documentary that examines some of the hottest environmental issues of the period. The four issues covered are Hualien fisherman fighting pollution from a pulp and paper mill, residents of Houching objecting to a fifth naphtha cracking plant, citizens opposed to a fourth nuclear power plant, and Tainan fishermen battling pollution from hog farms.
Copyright © TOSEE PUBLISHER. All Rights Reserved.
Director Statement
"Following the lifting of the martial laws is the blossoming of various social movements. For a while, people took to the streets everyday voicing different social and political concerns. At that time, I produced a TV documentary series, which is set against the backdrop of these social tumults. It is called Taiwan in Transition, an attempt to document all the changes taking place in late 80s. The Voice of People is part of the series. At first I made Behind the Anti-Dupont Campaign: Portraits of Some Social Activists, which focused upon the activists in the movements. However, My own sponsors—the Information Office officials in charge of Public TV Productions-have censored the film and forbidden any public screening. Deprived of freedom of speech, I was forced to stand on my own feet. I made The Voice of the People out of the footage left, featuring four social movements in late 1980s. Dr. Hsiao Hsin-Huang, from Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, is now reconsidering those social movements of Taiwan. He argues that those social movements should be duly credited as they have indeed paved the way for Taiwan’s social reform today. His perspective will elucidate the meaning of the film." -- Daw-Ming Lee
source: Taiwan International Documentary Festival
Festivals & Awards
1991 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival
1991 Golden Horse Awards - Best Documentary Film
1991 Asia Pacific Film Festival
1991 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival
1991 Golden Horse Awards
1991 Asia Pacific Film Festival
- Director
- Producer
- Editor
- Sound Designer
- Distribution
- Production