She's a Dreamer
- Society
- Human Interest
- Generation
- Youth
- Senior

Zhang BAI, who was the Principal of Feng-Yang Junior High for 8 years, insisted on not dividing students into classes by capability examination as well as not forcing students to do extra study after school. While others only preach, she put into practice the ideal of holistic education. Students at Feng Yang looked happier and more confident than most other kids their age. They also perform better as a whole in National Capability Tests. However, Bai’s dream to build a better school led her into an unavoidable collision course against many teachers who resisted and resented change. Bai decided to retire earlier than people expected when this documentary film came to an end. At the last graduation ceremony she presided over, Bai said regretfully:“This wonderful dream could have come true.”
Source: Taiwan Women's Film Association
Festivals & Awards
2006 Women Make Waves Film Festival
2006 Women Make Waves Film Festival
- Director
- Executive Production
- Distribution